Ideas Journal #5 (cont.)

Now let’s move to the theme. What theme that fits this mechanics but not a generic fantasy? You know, warriors, mage, archer, etc. Why don’t we take it to modern time? I was thinking about superheroes, but I recently read Kamen Rider Spirits and thought, why not do a tokusatsu thing? There hasn’t been any decent tokusatsu board game as far as I know.

Taking from the any tokusatsu series (or original Kamen Rider series, particularly), where basically they are an altered-human and seek revenge on the evil organization that turned them and going to take control of the world. On their journey, they will cross way with another altered-humans who will join their team.

For this game, each episode has its own box consist of maps, monsters, boss, scenario book, and another hero character (pawn, deck, and character board). When players are exploring the episode, they can’t unlock other episodes before they finished this one.

The further the progress, the more hero players collect. This unlocked heroes can be played by adjusting the level to the previous hero of the same player’s level. However, the previously bought skills can’t be transferred.

The story:
Sisterhood of Liberty is a neo-Nazi organization that seeks to world domination by creating destruction all over the world. To fulfill their plan, they kidnap men and turn them into altered-human, a super soldier. However, their plan is failed because the first experiment of altered-human rebels against them and escaped. They are scattered throughout the world to help people fight against the organization. Recently, you (players) are approached by the former U.N. Secretary General before he died telling you that the world is coming to its end. No army in the world can fight against the organization, and when the U.N. found out about the altered-human, it was too late. Most of the countries are destroyed, other who still stands are on its way to destruction. Now it’s in your hand, gather your partners and fight the Sisterhood from dominating the world.

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